
How much do Surrogates make

Can I be a parent if I’m single?2024-03-01T11:19:27+00:00

Of course! Surrogate World has decades of experience supporting intended parents from a variety of backgrounds: single individuals, LGBTQIA+ couples and heterosexual couples.

What does the legal process involve before and after the birth?2024-03-01T11:18:12+00:00

Our team coordinates with local attorneys to ensure that you are properly matched with a surrogate in a state where you can accomplish the necessary legal work to finalize your parental rights. Once you are matched, we negotiate contracts on your behalf with independent attorneys who represent your surrogate. We work with attorneys to accomplish the legal work necessary to secure your parental rights.

Where will my surrogate deliver my child?2024-03-01T11:16:18+00:00

All surrogates will deliver at a hospital near their home. The decision about where to deliver is typically made in conjunction with the OBGYN, which may have a network of approved providers and hospitals. Occasionally, our legal team will recommend that a delivery occur at a specific hospital.

Will I have contact with my surrogate?2024-03-01T11:14:29+00:00

Openness, honesty and communication are our core values. We encourage building meaningful relationships that will continue to exist throughout the life of the child. As intended parents you are encouraged to visit your surrogate when possible, more often – to get to know her family and where she’s from.

How do I begin the process?2024-03-01T11:13:18+00:00

Starting your surrogacy journey begins with a complimentary consultation with our experienced team. You’ll speak with an attorney as well as a process consultant. In this meeting, you’ll have an opportunity to share your story with us and why you’ve chosen surrogacy to grow your family, and we’ll explain our process and program offerings, and answer any questions you have.

Why should I choose Surrogate World?2024-03-01T11:12:04+00:00

1. We’re a full service agency.
2. We encourage relationships between parents, surrogates and egg donors.
3. We practice a high-quality process for screening our surrogates and donors.
4. We offer an all-inclusive fixed cost program.
5. Most of our staff has personal experience with surrogacy, egg donation, IVF and adoption.

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